It can sometimes be tricky to find crafts and learning activities that will capture a little boy's attention span. Believe me, I know! I have 3 little boys and so many of our crafts and activities are along themes of things that little boys often love! Cars, Trucks, Planes, Bugs, Dinosaurs, Legos, Sports, Animals, Space, etc. So here is our collection of tried and true crafts and activities for boys!
(P.S. And don't worry, I also have 2 little girls, and can verify that each of these are also 100% girl approved too!)
(P.S. And don't worry, I also have 2 little girls, and can verify that each of these are also 100% girl approved too!)
And if you are wondering where to get SUPPLIES for these crafts and activities, check out this post! You can get pretty much anything you need to make these crafts and activities and more all on Amazon. Like Craft foam, Construction paper, Paint, and so much more.
Click on a picture to see that post.
Or click HERE to see all of these posts.

And don't forget to check out my BOOK!
Do you like these activities?

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(this post contains affiliate links)
Instead of putting girls in the parenthetical byline, why not call it "30+ Crafts & Activities for Toddlers!" and leave gender out of it. The longer we buy into gender stereotypes, the more little girls will continue to be shoved into a pastel world of pink, polite and pretty and not be encouraged to get dirty, explore and play.
Oh, please. She's not "buying into gender stereotypes." She's helping parents of boys who find it very complicated to think of indoor activities for them.
These are great!
I appreciate your comment. This post is certainly not intended to perpetuate a gender stereotype. I was not aiming to exclude girls from these activities, but simply trying to provide a resource for those who may be specifically looking for crafts and activities for toddler boys. As a mother of 2 boys, I know this can sometimes be challenging, just as "E" said.
Thank you both for your comments! :)
These are awesome! As you stated, it's hard to find craft activities that are more 'boy themed'. And I am definitely not opposed to letting my son get crafty with any 'girl themed' activites (being creative, is being creative in my mind). Although, it's quite refreshing to find a list like this!
Thanks for sharing!
I have a daughter who loves pink and princesses and crafts, despite attempts to make her love cars and boy stuff. Boys and girls ARE different. It is OKAY for them to have different interests. It is ignorant and weird to try to ignore natural preferences. I think it is perfectly fine- and refreshing and helpful!- to create a list directed toward boys. This is awesome! All of the boys I know would love these activities! My daughter will like some, too! What an awesome list! I hope you weren't insulted by the first comment, which is rude. You complied an awesome assortment of crafts, and I know many people appreciate it and didn't think a thing about it stereotyping. My sister has a boy and she loves this list. She sent it to me, because I have a girl, and she knew I would like some for my daughter. I can't imagine being ungrateful and rude about such a great list. Thanks!
Awesome ideas! Can't wait to try them with my little ones! Thanks!
As a mother of a teenage boy, I think the bigger purpose of this pin was to offer craft ideas FOR boys as they are hard (maybe better to say 'harder') to come by. If you go online and look up crafts, you'll find mostly 'frilly, pastel, hearts and dolls'. This is great for parents looking for rainy day activities to do with their I said, girl crafts are available a dime a dozen.
I hate stupid people. I have 2 girls that I did all sorts of fun crafts and baking with.. But now I have a little boy and half the things i did with my girls he has no interest in.. He doesn't like baking cookies and making jewelry. He'd rather play outside or with his action figures.. Tryin to occupy his time with a craft or game that he's actually interested in is hard considering most craft are aimed towards girls. Shes not excluding girls from the crafts just simply promotin that the crafts are great for boys
And I thank you because I will be doin some of these especially when summer time hits my girls will love teaching my son how to make robots lol
It's a great list! I have two little boys now. They are totally different from their sister! Thank You!
Someone has issues.....therapy maybe?
Dear "Pat'"
I'm sorry you have gender issues, but most people don't. It might surprise you, but gender is important and no matter how many of you crazy people are out there, that fact won't change. So, confuse your own children, but ours will be normal.
I was so pumped to see this list of fun things to do with toddler boys! It is more challenging finding activities geared towards boys! I look forward to trying some with my son!
I think you all are missing the point of the comment regarding calling these boy crafts. Media has put the idea of arts and crafts being girl focused. As an early childhood educator I know all children are completely different their interest depend on their experiences in life so far their parents and/or siblings. Current research is finding parents and teachers are passing on these stereotypes without realizing from all the media we have taken in. Google gender stereotyping if still have doubts.
Thank you for the Creative ideas for toddlers.
Please do not take this comment as a personal attack but just some insight.
P.S. Just because someone has an alternative opinion does not mean they need hobbies...
I can't believe you people are getting so amped up about children's crafts.......
Gender blah blah blah, I think you " people" missed the point, its activities for toddlers! Just take it for what it is. I think these ideas are great! Good job and FYI, boys are harder to engage in craft activities glad they geared them towards boys!
As a mom of a boy and a girl, a teacher, stay at home mom, and working from home, I GREATLY appreciate this. My son, though he does love to do crafts with sister, is more about the boy things. Possibly by encouragement from us as a family, or by the simple traits of being a boy. Some things are nurtured some things are nature. I appreciate both my children and their differences. I do not redirect when he wants to use the pinks and frilly pieces to create art. I also encourage him to understand he is a boy. In history, boys were to grow to be strong men with the ability and tenacity to take care of and defend his family. Without politicizing this too much, realize that all children are gifted differently. ANd there is NOTHING Wrong with creating boy crafts and girl crafts.
The point of crafts is to encourage, teach and create!
I loved Samanthas comment.
I also think the negative nancys should be ashamed for turning this mom's fun blog post into a school girl cat fight.
Didn't your paretns ever teach you if you cant say anythng nice, dont say anythng at all. Oh wait, maybe they only told your brother!
Thanks! This is awesome and not too hard to achieve! Great job! Off to raid the craft stash!
Anonymous said: "The longer we buy into gender stereotypes, the more little girls will continue to be shoved into a pastel world of pink, polite and pretty and not be encouraged to get dirty, explore and play."
Pink, polite and pretty may not be the way that every girl chooses to be, but that doesn't mean that girls who choose to be "girly" aren't exploring or playing (though admittedly they may not be getting dirty). If you think for even one second that denigrating typically feminine pursuits and attitudes makes you more egalitarian, let me explain something vital to you: devaluing the roles and attitudes that women have typically held in order to allow them to hold the roles and attitudes that have typically been associated with men is just as sexist as forcing them into a typically female role against their will.
I think these crafts sound like a lot of fun! Thanks for posting!
Yes, I agree. You "anonymous" who cant even put your own name, should get a hobby. Don't you have a granola and tree huggin site to check out?
shame on you anonymous... this lady was bieng nice and giving parents a way to find more boy type projects to do with their BOYS OR GIRLS I am so sick of people saying that it is not ok to say that this is a boy type activity or this is a girl type activity.. give the kids a choice to like what they want.. we all know most boys like cars and most girls like dolls and princess crap... I was a girl who played with cars and gi joes.. but I also liked dolls and wanted to play with dolls over cars... big deal.. the woman was just trying to help us parents of boys out. my boy plays with dolls but give him a choice of cars vs dolls and he picks cars every time... it is something that they are born with.. get a life and quit putting down people who are being nice taking the time to post helpful links for parents of BOYS.. KUDOS AND THANK YOU FOR THE POST! Sincerely, ~Kristina
I agree that by saying that this is for 'Boy's' you are perpetuating this notion that certain activities are meant for boys, and that certain activities are meant for girls.
At the same time, I do understand the fact that some boys are very rowdy and some of these activities are meant to channel their energy. However, some girls are also very rowdy and could benefit from these activities. Instead, why not say that these are activities for Rowdy or Energetic toddlers.
I am not trying to say anything negative about the author. Not at all. What I am trying to do is let people know that these little things do matter. I think the reason why so many people are showing hostility in the comments is because they think that they are being attacked. I am not trying to attack anyone, but rather bring something to your attention. If something isn't taught to you, how will you learn it? Gender is something most people don't think about, because it is so engraved into society. Society tells our boys to like certain things, and our girls to like certain things. Gender is something engraved into every fiber of our being. Until you are faced with something otherwise, how else are you suppose to know?
Hi there!
Seriously? Why are people making this about gender stereotyping? The author can put any title she wishes. If you want to do these activities with girls, go on ahead! Your daughter will not even know where you got the ideas from.... geesh! She will enjoy it and have as much as fun, as a boy!
Anywho, I found this link through Pinterest and I must say "Thank you! For these awesome ideas!" I have a 3 1/2 yr. old boy, and I too find it challenging to find things for him to do and play with. Kuddos for your creativity!! Again, thank you!!!
Does it really matter what she calls it? If you want to do these indoor activities with your daughter then GO AHEAD AND DO THEM! No one is stopping you just because of a label or mother told me I can do anything and be anything!!! Wise information to pass on to a child.
I was looking some ideas for my son for his grade school class. I enjoyed your post. Thanks Nick
Fantastic ideas! Thank you for sharing and the photos :)
I have a toddler son that I will soon be staying home with (so happy!!!) and was looking for some fun activities for us to do together. Thanks for posting!
What a great list! I recently decided that my 2 year old son should have a craft time as he has tried numerous times to help with my scrabooking attempts! Finding things that he would like to do is difficult but these are perfect!!
Great list of neat activities! Can't wait to try some of these out with my 2 toddler sons.
You are a genius girl!
Lol too funny,
Whatever happened to freedom of speech if you don't like the label stop nit picking other ppl and get your own blog. It's going to get to the point where everyone's going to be afraid to talk incase they "offend" someone. Maybe your mothers never taught you that what other people say and do doesn't have to affect you unless you let it. Stop being a "career complainer" and take the good and leave the bad. I already have to raise my kids in a world where "Christmas and decorations" are offensive please don't make it so they can't even define their gender (if they so choose).
Political correctness will be the death of freedom of speech people! I was a girl who played in the mud and climbed trees and scraped my knees despite my mother dressing me in frilly socks black paten shoes and lacey dresses regardless of ther peoples opinions! Kids don't care!! So stop the craziness!!
Thank you so much for these AWESOME ideas!
Thanks so much! I can't wait to try these out with my toddler boys!!:)
I love these ideas, I look at each one and think. "Of course, why didn't I think of that!" One that you can add to the list is buttons. I had a jar of all shapes, sizes and colors and my grand kids loved to play with them, sorting by shapes and color. When my grandson was about 18 months old I threaded a large needle with yarn and held it for him while he chose out the buttons he wanted to put on the needle. Some times he would pick out all of one color so we would have groups of oranges, yellow or blues. Other times he would pick out certain shapes and put them together. Flowers and squares seemed to be the most popular at that time. Then he got into patterns and he chose different patterns every time. We took pictures of his creations every time. This is great for small motor coordination. He is 5 now and still loves playing with Grandma's button box, tho now he threads his own needle.
thanks for all these great ideas! i love it.
and instead of nit picking at whether it's for crafts for boys or crafts for girls, why not let the kid choose. OR let the daughter know that it's ok for her to do boy crafts, and vise versa.
geez! what a way to dampen a cute list of amazing ideas for kids crafts!
I'm so THRILLED to have found your blog!!! I'm ecstatic! I will begin with these next week! I'm homeschooling my older daughter but have a 2-yr old boy. You are brilliant! Thank you thank you thank you!
Regarding gender - I was determined not to force stereotypes on my daughter. I even insisted on NO PINK! Guess what - she loves ballet, and hates football. Loves twirling, pink, princesses etc. I intentionally tried to NOT stereotype her. I wound up fostering a baby boy and found out how truly different boys are. The differences are natural and normal. Rather than buying into media hype that we "force" stereotypes on gender - why not recognize that each child is unique, while still using our heads and recognizing there are some trends in both genders - and THAT'S OK!!!! Girls are great, but so are boys! Girls can like ballet and football. But let boys like boy stuff - it's important. (Yes, if they like ballet and pink, that's fine too!!!) but don't be an idiot and make someone feel bad for embracing the nature of a boy!
Thank you for the great ideas! Crafts and a lot of learning together. My fave is the potty train because Thomas and trains are huge at our house and potty training is our goal for summer!
This is GREAT! My boys have had no interest in crafts thus far. I hope making a parking lot or airplane will help with that! AWESOME ideas!
These are awesome ideas!! Thanks so much for sharing them!!!
Love it! Especially the highway shapes and clothespin airplanes -- oh and the potty train.
What great, simple, fun craft ideas for CHILDREN! Good Grief, as a woman who manned the picket lines and burned her bra for women's right, I find that too many women today have not learned the simple message of that movement. Equal choice, equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work. Please people, men and women are DIFERENT, as children and certainly when grown. Might as well be different species. Speaking from experience it was much harder to find crafts that interested my son than my daughter and this site has some of the best easy, simple, educational and CHEAP crafts I have seen. You hav done a wonderful job.
Thank you! Thank you! Now I have some things to do with my boys this summer!! Yes...I said boys!! They are all boy an love rough housing, shooting pretend guns, and anything with cars! Please don't let people stop you from posting gender specific activities!! Us boy moms need them!!
Thanks again!
Alicia K.
Thank you thank you thank you for being gender specific. This blog has helped me tremendously.
Wow! Thank you! Love each idea! Definitely going to suggested to our nannies .
Awesome!! My girls always have a crafty idea but my little boy is getting to the age where he wants to join them! He will LOVE these!!!! Great for little boy party ideas too! :0)
These crafts are great for boys AND girls, as are pink ones, sewing, and simple cross stitch.
Lovely to see most of you attacking "Anonymous" signing anonymously. I am a woman, and my favorite thing when I was 8 years old was dinosaurs. My male neighbor always wanted to play house.
Lay out all the colors and shapes, the lace, construction paper, popsicle sticks, felt, pipe cleaners, and yarn, and let the kids decide what they want to use. I've done this with kids with great results. Be supportive either way. Don't judge.
One who gardens, cooks, does needlework, and can use a circular saw.
PS - Boys love glitter.
Great list! Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Thank you for sharing your great ideas! My 2 year old really enjoys playing the wiggle worm game and learning his colors from the alphabet monster. The natural card idea was an inspiration form my nine year old and two year old. We collected small leaves and flowers and pasted them to cards we had drawn our faces on. They turned out hilarious and we had so much fun making them. Thanks again for sharing your ideas and helping people find ways to bring joy and happiness to families! God bless!
I love these ideas!! Thanks for posting them. I have been trying to figure out craft ideas that my son and I can do together. I never was the crafty person growing up. I always played with my older brother army men instead of barbies and such. lol. I feel like these are going to be easy and fun. Thank you so much for posting.
I believe Anonymous had a valid point. Even though ruder things have been said to her in replly since then >.> Before you all go pointing fingers, we do live in 2012 after all. And it wasn't even a month ago that Golden Books pulled a book series off its shelves for being pointlessly sexist regarding children. The whole POINT of Anon's reply and this I think we should all be able to agree upon, is that you could easily have called this "30 activities for Toddlers". I am a girl, well a woman now, who grew up with three little brothers. And I was always wanting to do all the fun, cool stuff they got to do. Girl scouts sucked, boy scouts was way more interesting. It doesn't make me a "freak" or "abnormal" for not enjoying Barbies and fluffy pink things 24/7. And IF any of you have daughters who you are trying to force into a stereotype, I feel bad for her. My mother tried for years (and in some small ways she still does today!) to try and make me be more "feminine". It won't work. Love your children for who THEY are instead of who you want them to be. If your boys are bored with the usual activities, why don't you ask them WHY instead of just assuming it has something to do with hormones and chromosomes.
FWIW, this is a well put together list. Great EDUCATIONAL activities I would certainly recommend for any child and even in classrooms. Girls and Boys alike will find fun in them, so thank you to the author.
Living in 2012 doesn't change the specific genetic make-up of boys and girls. . .no matter how many times you paint your son's fingernails. Having a blog targeted to toddler boy activities does not in any way chastise the parent who lets her little girl play with trucks in the mud. I hope you can one day get over your "mommy issues" and move on.
Totally off the gender topic, but here's an idea (maybe you've already posted it someplace?) for an art project that is fun for boys and girls:
Put a bunch of popcorn kernels in a nylon and tie it at the top. Put some paint on a paper plate. Get out a bunch of newspaper, art paper, butcher paper or whatever and they can plop the popcorn kernel painting device into the paint and then plop it on the paper. It's process-oriented more than product-oriented and they will have a blast. Good outdoor activity. ;)
I love these ideas, who cares about the gender topic, this is your blog & you can post whatever you want. I just became your newest follower, found your blog off pinterest! Thanks for all these great ideas!
I am the mom of a 3 year old boy and recently became the nanny to two brothers, ages 2 and 4! Suddenly with three boys in the house, I am finding your ideas very helpful! We have done a lot of crafts, but sometimes it is challenging to come up with ideas that they are interested in (and will sit still long enough to do)! Thank you! Keep the ideas coming!
To each their own people. She did include little girls but yes these were activities aimed for moms with boys because theirs less of them out there. She should not be attacked for being a good mom to her boys. Yes kids should not be forced into what to like but this wasn't targeting a certain type of child this is just saying my boys liked these things and maybe others would too...
Don't let anybody comments bother you, my son likes doing all kinds of stuff from helping cook to play fighting and I for one thank you on trying to add stuff for our little guys to do. ;)
Thanks for the great ideas! My son will love them!
Wow the people replying to the anonymous posters are far more rude than what the former are trying to convey. Shame on you, especially the ones spouting about "if you can't say anything nice" as they tell these posters they have issues. SMH. Mothers are some of the snarkiest people I know I swear. Mommy wars.
I am so excited I found your blog! You have so many great ideas and so many of them cost little or no money and little or no time to set up. As a mom of three boys I will definatly be comming back to your blog often, especially with winter coming on.
Thanks for all the great ideas.
Thanks for the great ideas for my little boys! These are the kind of activities they will really get into. They have a lot of energy and I need to channel it into something constructive so they don't tear the house apart. Thanks!
I wanted crafts for boys and I found them on this blog through pinterest. How funny that so many people are getting so worked up over gender stereotyping! Besides, I want my boys to be boys and I will encourage that through a little gender stereotyping. There is enough gender confusion these days.
Love this! Gives me a quick place to grab an idea when I need it! Love that it's all ' boy' stuff, my little man loves all these and I know he will enjoy:) thanks!
I agree! I was caught off guard a little by the title but it apparently is much appreciated. I took a look to see what "boy" activities were, and found some great ideas for my daughter. Credit to anonymous for stirring it up a bit. Glad youre out there speaking up. Amd the name seems to serve well for all boys and girls
These comments ate ridiculous. You all should just keep your negative comments to yourselves. I seriously wonder what you're teaching your own children by being so rude and snarky. Grow up & let it go. Oh and just appreciate the blog for what it is.. ideas for activities.
Thanks for this list so much! I am a first time mom with a little boy, but I grew up with two sisters and had no idea what to do for different activities for my son. I appreciate it!
Thanks for sharing all these great ideas! My twin boys and I are super excited to try out your activities.
I would love to add them all if possible to our baby music classes sydney where they plan to cut-out musical instruments. Thanks for this one.
As a mother of two boys I am ALWAYS searching for BOY stuff because my boys are very boyish! At the end of the day boys n girls ARE different! And actually should not be put in the same category.
Thank you! I have searched many websites for crafty gifts for boys...(oh and btw I actually chose one of those boy gifts for a niece of mine because I thought she would enjoy it more...bc it's just her type of play)and I knew my nephews wouldn't enjoy it as much; but it is hard to find the type of stuff that I think my nephews would enjoy...(btw found a couple on here for them so again thanks). I am sorry, for my last comment...but at least I am smart enough to know it can go either way; just know who the kids are that you are trying to craft for.
Thanks for this one. You have given me an idea for the baby shower party supplies. I will need toy cars and other boy toys for a friend who is expecting a boy.
Thanks. I am just starting homeschooling with my boys who have special needs. We are looking for crafty things that they can handle, and this is awesome. It is HARD to find crafts that boys like. Regardless of what you are teaching them, their hormones make them different from girls. My FIL didn't want the boys to have dolls given to them by their great-grandmother, but I protested. I wanted them to have the option to play with the dolls and learn about nurturing. One of them (they are twins) hugged the baby and laid it down. The other smashed its head against the floor over and over. Then he hugged it. lol. They love babies in general, but the doll thing lasted about 5 minutes. Then they went back to their trucks. I have never tried to get them to choose "Boy things" over "girl things." They are who they are. And I love them for it. If you give them the option, they are most likely NOT going to pick a doll over a toy truck, BUT I don't argue if they want to color something pink, either. Just let them be kids. Now, I know I am one of those who engaged in the "argument". But, regardless, I think it was a great post and appreciate the effort made by the author to help us mothers out.
This I love post I am an early childhood teacher and those frilly crafts are a dime a dozen....well I made sure homemade finger paint my teaching assistant taped white paper to our art table we put big shirts over the kids even the girls we put the paint on the table the boys and girls ran their car tires through the paint and put there hands in it and had the best time of the day even me and my assistant got in on the play
Internet Debates are the stupidest thing out there -Jordan Taylor, aka Blimey Cow. Most insightful youtuber out there.
Thanks a lot for sharing the idea....
Thank you for these great ideas!! My little boy (8) will LOVE so many of these projects. I want to spend time with him this summer and not have him at camp every day. But I was worried about what to do this summer with him...and now I have tons of ideas.
You are awesomely creative!!
And a total savior to women like me, who like crafts and have boys, and are lost about what crafts to do that they will love to do.
Thank you!
We used audiobooks to encourage our kids to read. It's not as good as books, but it's definitely a step up from the tv. There's lots of great sites to download them, but we use this one a lot because all the stories are original and free. Here's the link if anyone is interested.
These are fun activities! I'll make sure to find time for these during the summer season because at the same time my son will be enrolling in a music school.
This is a great article. Ever since my boys were toddlers they loved race cars. They would rather play with cars then any arts and crafts activities. They are a little older now and they really want to drive cars. I bought them their first remote control car a month ago and they loved it. I would rather them play with those then playing video games. I found a club where they race slot cars. They really want to join because you can race against other kids. Since I do not know much about slot cars I did a little research and learned more about them. There are certain things you can buy to make your car betters which I thought was pretty cool. Maybe for their birthdays I will buy them both digital slot car sets. These devices will help their cars switch lanes and over take competitors.
I Am so glad I came across this site, I actually put into Google crafts for boys, as my son is only interested in pushing along vehicles with wheels all day long. Unlike my daughter who loves all crafts and no doubt will want to join in. Now I can combine his loves of anything with wheels with crafts. Thank you so much.
Thanks for this post, my little brother will love these! I mean he doesn't exactly like the tea parties I have with my little sis. These activities scream fun! Thanks again!! :D.
Wow some people are so rude. :-( There's no such thing as 'boys craft' & 'girls craft' just 'craft'. Kids have different interests and my daughter might like these and my son might not like these. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with my children. Just that they are individuals with different interests. And I guess now I'll be attacked and called stupid and told to go hug a tree. Nice.
To the whiners whining about gender discrimination.... Some of us still stand against, homosexuality, gay marriage, feminism, jezebel dominance over men, men acting like women and women acting like men, and so forth. And I for one will have my kids raised to understand morals and how to act during the moral decline we see in America today. At the same time I will take my daughter out to learn survival, hunting, fishing, etc, but I won't have her forgetting how to act like a proper woman, how to respect men for their nature of being men, and respect herself in ways men will be forced to respect her in. Nothing wrong with girls being feminine and enjoying the softer things for women were designed by God to be nurturing, sweet hearted, submissive unto men in so many respectful ways as men were designed to be understanding of this, to protect them and respect that women are built within a "weaker vessel" as it is written in the bible. Nothing wrong with girls getting dirty, dont get me wrong, but for someone to post an article showing fun things for young boys and not girls is what attracted me to it for many reasons.
1. My ex is a lesbian and I will not allow my boy being raised as a pacifist with mixed opinions and ideas of what is traditionally right for a man and woman to grow up being. 2. This article reminds me of when I was a kid and loved dinosaurs, race cars, etc and needed some reminding of some of the things that kept me active in areas testosterone would play a major role in my physical growth, where little girls and teenage girls most often had no interest in becuse their bodies werent designed to run or play as hard. It's sad when you have to speak so elementary to feminist minded people but their heads are so far up their liberal arses, it seems to be the only way to argue their stupidity. Let boys be boys and girls be girls for God sakes. No matter what a girl likes doing when she is little, it will never change the fact that boys and girls are different and one will always lean in the opposite directions when it comes to masculinity and femininity. PERIOD! Now run along libtard, you're starting to make conservatives see your true colors to the point we're not going to be pushed in the corner any longer.
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOUCH FOR POSTING CRAFTS FOR BOYS!!!!! I am a very proud mommy of a 2 yr. old who loves cars, and no one pushed that on him, he just naturally loves cars! Put simply, when he was a baby, my mother gave him a teddy and a Plastic Tonka truck set, guess what he went for first to play with, the trucks! Still loves that teddy, but he sleeps with his cars:) SO what I'm saying is that not every boy out there will naturally want to make a paper flower or bead necklace, so your post has helped me out a ton! His favorite is the rainbow race cars!! Great way to teach him his colors with something he loves! PLEAE KEEP HELPING US MOTHERS WITH BOYS, AND DON'T LET ANYONE TRY TO CHANGE YOU OR YOUR POSTS ON BOY ACTIVITIES IN ANY WAY. When I have a girl, she too will do some or all of these activities, and she doesn't have to know the title of this post, just that they're fun! Kids will only care about a title if adults make a huge stupid deal about it:) THANK YOU!!!
Love all these little boy ideas. When it comes to arts and crafts there are a million little girl things to do, but boys, not so much. I appreciate your efforts. To bad my "little boys" aren't so little anymore. I get a real pet peeve when someone wants to throw the gender card in their post. We moms of boys need to be able to look up stuff just for boys so we can narrow down our choices. Good job and thanks!
I have been teaching preschool for over 20 yrs. at the present time Im working with twos. these children love to play and learn. when boys dress up in a dress they don't see it as a dress,they are using there imagination. Maybe its mommy cooking dinner that they are remembering. or vacuuming they may like the sound, or its a moving device.Like babies use pull toys. Girls are the same. Children are learning thru play. let children play, explore. Thanks!!!
I love these ideas, I think they work perfectly well with young learners. I am actually thinking of using some of them while teaching my own kids. I will let you know how it works with them. Thanks for sharing.
fun Activities for Kids
My little sister loved doing these on a rainy day! these are so cute, especially the rainbow racecar track! Thanks for these wonderful ideas!
Awesome ideas, can't wait to try them out and incorporate into weekly hobbies.
This is GREAT! My boys have had no interest in crafts thus far. I hope making a parking lot or airplane will help with that! AWESOME ideas!
This is a very helpful list. Thanks for the resource!
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