LB(3) sure loved this game we played during our MONSTER - week!
This is a super fun way for little ones to get out some Halloween wiggles, (and also a good calorie-burner for Moms like me, who are looking forward to eating their children's Halloween candy whilst they are nestled all tight in their beds. What?)
This is fun to play with just a few people, or as a family, or with a big group!
- Acquire a handful of monsters with different numbers of eyes (like the ones pictured above: 3, 2, and 1-eyed monsters). Here are some ideas:
- You could draw your own monsters on pieces of paper.
- You could find some cute monster images online and print them out.
- You could create your own monsters with these awesome stickers!
- You could look for some monster stickers at the store. (Like these ones I used. They were on clearance after Halloween last year. They were in a package of Halloween foam stickers I got for like a nickel or something. I love after-holiday sales!!)
- This package of stickers also had stickers that said, "Happy Halloween." So I decided to use those too.
- Again, you could just write it on a paper, or print it off along with the monsters if you don't have stickers. :)
Here's what you do:
- Take turns reaching into the bucket and pulling something out.
- When you get a monster, count how many eyes it has. Then JUMP that number of times!
- When you get a Happy Halloween sticker, hold hands and dance in a circle as you say Happy Halloween over and over til you all fall down. :)
Here is LB jumping, and LL watching in amazement. :)
p.s. Need some good craft supplies? Check out our post on the best kid-craft supplies for great prices on Amazon! We've got some good recommendations. :)
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